CSI Policy: Chapter Websites
Chi Sigma Iota encourages the use of chapter groups at csi-net.org in place of chapter websites to disseminate helpful information to members. When CSI transitioned to a website that offered interactive chapter groupsites, the Society phased
out the use of individual chapter websites outside of csi-net.org.
Chapter Group Resources
The resources at csi-net.org offer chapter members an interactive experience through chapter groups including a variety of features including:
- Showcase your chapter – although only approved members may post to your chapter group, other CSI members and prospective members (with a guest account) may view your group to see what you are up to. You can also get great ideas
from other chapters as well.
- Integrated within csi-net.org– CSI members can access your chapter group and all of CSI’s resources with a single login. It is also easier to network with other chapters and leaders through the state and region groups; this can
be great for multi-chapter events!
- Leadership Directory – Each chapter group includes a Leadership Directory where the names of current chapter leaders (e.g., Chapter President, President-Elect, Past-President, Secretary Treasurer, Faculty Advisor, and other leaders)
are added each year.
Please note that chapters are expected to keep the Leadership Directory updated so that members and prospective members know who to contact with inquiries.
- Custom group webpages – just like a chapter website, these offer the ability to add a variety of custom webpages for announcements, chapter documents, newsletters, and more. The custom pages can also be set to a wiki mode allowing
group members to edit the page without group administrator access (great for committee collaboration). Additional features can also be enabled including a share/bookmark widget and page voting (5 stars).
- Photo Gallery – a fun way to showcase your chapter members and activities. All group members can upload photos to an album so it makes it easy for any member to share the memories and maintain a visual record of past events.
- Calendar –an easy-to-use calendar to create dates and events. Dates appear as information (e.g., holidays) and events offer more functionality like more detailed descriptions, online registrations, RSVPs, and online check-in.
- Resource Directory – each chapter group has a file manager where chapter documents can be upload and stored. These documents can be linked on a webpage for member access or maintained privately by the group administrators on the
back-end; the directory may also be used as a file archive.
- Multiple group administrators – the Chapter Faculty Advisor will always have administrative access over the group. However, up to two chapter leaders may be granted access by the CFA to develop and maintain the group site.
- Group Reps – identify the points of contact for a group including the Chapter Faculty Advisor and Group Admin. They can be listed on your group page to identify key chapter leaders and offer an easy way for members to contact them.
- User-friendly website address – all chapter groups can be accessed through the Groups link on the left menu, and the groups in which you are a member are accessible through the Groups link on the right menu after you log in. In
addition, all chapter groups have an easy website address for posting the link offsite. For example, it will look like csi-net.org/group/your_chapter_name (e.g., http://csi-net.org/group/alpha_beta_chi)
- Website Tutorials for group members and administrators - the tutorials describe the group features and how to effectively use them.
CSI Chapter Groups
Maintaining a chapter website outside of csi-net.org will result in a loss of chapter rebates until the issue is resolved and may result in a chapter's deactivation. Information about a CSI chapter can be included on a department website as long as the information is brief and includes a link directing visitors to the more detailed groupsite at csi-net.org.
Requirements for Chapter Groups at csi-net.org
Chapters are encouraged to refer to csi-net.org for the most updated information including membership criteria, grants, awards, etc… and use the chapter group for chapter-specific resources. In addition, the following guidelines apply for the administration of chapter groups:
- The CSI logo is trademarked. It may only be used as presented and not altered in any way. Chapters may review the chapter logo policy and request a chapter logo for use on chapter newsletters, stationary, emails, etc…
Your chapter group and all the contents included (e.g., newsletters, event posters) must comply with the logo trademark guidelines.
- All chapter materials and correspondence outside of csi-net.org must include first the name of the local chapter followed by "Chi Sigma Iota” (e.g., "Alpha Chapter of Chi Sigma Iota”). Listing only Chi Sigma Iota is not acceptable, as this creates
confusion between chapter and CSI International materials.
- Membership criteria, bylaws, and other items must be consistent with those of CSI, International. An approved set of chapter bylaws is linked on each chapter group's front page.
- Chapter groups have been set up with a standard template for their group homepage. That template, font size and color, and information should remain unchanged. Additional custom pages may be created to add announcements and other resources and those
may be linked on the homepage.
- The chapter group must maintain updated information including current chapter faculty advisors, leaders, program, and contact information.
- All photos on the website must be professional and represent the chapter and CSI appropriately. The group administrator should remove any inappropriate photos.
Technical Assistance with Chapter Groups
If you would like assistance with developing your chapter groupsite, please contact CSI Headquarters at admin@csi-net.org.
Internet Plagiarism for Chapters (2011)
When citing materials from csi-net.org on chapter websites, such as the CSI mission and vision, the source will be included in parentheses to show that this is a quote and the original author is CSI, International., i.e.: (csi-net.org).
Chapters are encouraged to link to csi-net.org rather than quoting or copying materials from the website, as web page updates on CSIs website could cause chapter pages to be out-dated or provide inaccurate information to members.
Failure to comply with these policies, and all policies of CSI, may result in a forfeit of the chapter rebate or suspension of a chapter's ability to process new memberships until the chapter's internet sites are in compliance.
Adopted Chi Sigma Iota, 2010, 2011; Updated March 1, 2011