
CSI Webinars

Webinar CE Hours

Visit the Webinar CE Hours page to learn more about NBCC-approved clock hours for the live and recorded webinars.

Upcoming Webinars

Visit the Upcoming Webinars page to view and register for all upcoming live webinars. A certificate for 1 clock hour may be requested after attending the webinar for a full 60 minutes and completing an evaluation.

Recorded Webinars

View the Recorded Webinars page for a list of live webinars that were recorded. A certificate for 1 clock hour may be requested after viewing recordings and achieving a passing score for the Webinar CE Quiz which includes five multiple choice questions.


Please note that the following links are intended to be used by non-members who are purchasing webinars through the CSI Store. CSI members have free access (and can earn free CE) to all recorded webinars within your CSI Member Profile.  After signing in, look for the section that says "All Webinars" and click on the "Past Webinars" link to find direct links to the webinars. You can contact admin@csi-net.org if you need assistance.

What is the difference between a live and a recorded webinar?

A live webinar is presented in real time and provides a more interactive experience. Attendees may write in questions for the presenter to address and poll questions are used throughout the webinar. After attending the entire webinar, members can receive a certificate for one NBCC-approved clock hour by completing the evaluation survey.

A recorded webinar is a recording of the live webinar without the interactive component. It will be posted within 72 hours of the live event and may be accessed 24 hours a day. Members can receive one NBCC-approved clock hour by completing the CE quiz with a passing score of 80%; a quiz may only be retaken once.

How can I sign up for a live webinar?

To register for a live webinar, visit the scheduled webinars page to identify a webinar for which you would like to register. Click on the link to register and then follow the directions to complete your registration.

What happens after I sign up?

After you register for a live webinar, you will receive a series of emails. They will include an event registration confirmation, event receipt ($0 active members; $39 guests), and a link to the live webinar at gotomeeting.com. You will also receive the link to the live webinar a day before and one hour before the event.

What do I need to do the day of the webinar?

You will receive the webinar link via email a day before and one hour before the event. When it is time for the event to start, or up to 15 minutes earlier, you may click the link to sign into the webinar. If you are disconnected, you may log back in with the same link; however, your attendance may not be recorded by the GoToMeeting software accurately.

How can I be sure my computer equipment will play the webinar?

The email you receive with the webinar link will include the system requirements for watching the webinar. PC-based attendees require Windows XP, Vista, 7, or 8; Mac users require Mac OS X 10.6 or newer. Mobile attendees require iPhone/iPad or Android phone/tablet.

Can I call in by telephone for the webinar?

You may call in to participate in the live webinar via telephone by using the phone number provided in your confirmation email. If you are not using one of the GoToMeeting apps (iPhone, iPad, or Android), you will need to log in by computer first and obtain an audio PIN to use when you call. Your attendance will not be recorded if you listen by phone without entering the audio PIN. Participants whose attendance is not recorded will not be eligible to receive CE credit for the live webinar, but they can still earn credit by completing the CE quiz for the recorded webinar. Please email admin@csi-net.org if you have any questions about how to ensure that your attendance is recorded.

What if I miss the live webinar; will I still be able to view the webinar?

Yes, all live webinars will be recorded and they can be found by visiting the recorded webinars page. It may take up to 72 hours to post the webinar recording, PPT slides, handouts (if applicable), and the link to the CE quiz. On a rare occasion, the webinar recording becomes corrupt through a technical glitch and may not be available. However, a CE certificate can still be obtained through viewing the PPT slides.

How can I find the recorded webinars?

You can find it from the Webinars button on the left menu. Go to the recorded webinars page and select the webinar description desired. This will take you to the CSI store to "purchase” access to this recording and CE quiz (active CSI members $0; guests $39; requires login). Click ‘Add item' to your cart and follow the steps to complete the online CSI store order. Check your email for the downloadable document containing a link to access the webinar recording, PPT slides, handouts, & CE quiz.

How can I get a copy of the webinar handout?

Follow the steps in the FAQ above to gain access to the webinar recording, PPT slides, handouts, & CE quiz.

What if I registered for the recorded webinar but did not receive my downloadable item to access the webinar page?

When you register to watch a recorded webinar, you will be sent a link for a downloadable document which contains the link to access the restricted page. If you receive a blank email with the subject line "your downloadable items are ready" or you did not receive the email at all, please check your email filters to make sure the emails are not being blocked, sent to your spam folder, or being stripped of content. This happens prevalently with AOL email addresses. You may have to add admin@csi-net.org to your contacts or white list to avoid these problems in the future.

If you still cannot access the downloadable item to access the recorded webinar webpage, please email admin@csi-net.org. Your transaction can be verified and the link resent or the downloadable item may be sent as an email attachment.

Why can't I access any of the videos or PPT slides on the recorded webinar page?

There are a variety of internet browsers and many versions for each of these. Unfortunately, some are less compatible with the website than others. Internet Explorer users tend to experience this more frequently. IE users can view the website in compatibility mode (press the torn page in the top right area of the address bar). This should restore the ability to view the webpage properly including videos and documents. Additionally, you may try clearing out your browser cache or closing it completely and then reopening it.

Alternatively, using other browsers may help remedy the situation. Some of the most common browsers include Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, and Opera; they can be downloaded for free online at the links provided.

Can I get CE hours for attending?

Free NBCC-approved clock hours are available to CSI members for watching and participating in many of CSI's webinars. You may only receive 1 CE hour for each program (whether you watch it live or recorded).

If you attend the entire webinar, you will receive an email link to complete the evaluation survey. This link will be active for 30 days after the live event. If you did not receive the link to the evaluation survey within a few hours of the live event and feel your attendance was recorded in error, you may contact admin@csi-net.org. This may happen if you are disconnected from the webinar.

If you watch the recorded webinar, you may complete the quiz with a passing score (80%); quizzes may only be retaken once.

How do I get my CE certificate?

After completion of the requirements above, a certificate will be automatically generated and available in your profile. A brief 3 minute tutorial describes the process of obtaining a certificate or you may view details on the Webinar CE Hours page.

What if no certificate appears in my account?

Your CE quiz score should appear as the final confirmation page of the quiz. If you did not complete 4 of the 5 questions correctly in both the first and second quiz, you will not be eligible for a certificate. You may wish to view your certification journal entries to confirm your score. That can be found under the list of certifications. If you successfully completed the live evaluation survey or received a passing score on the quiz but do not see the certificate listed, please contact admin@csi-net.org.

Will my certificates count with my state licensure board?

Chi Sigma Iota International is an NBCC-Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP) and may offer NBCC-approved clock hours for events that meet NBCC requirements. Many states accept NBCC-approved continuing education credits for licensure; however, you should check with your state licensure board to confirm this for your state.

How long will my certificate be valid?

Your certificate will be valid at csi-net.org for 10 years. However, many certification and licensure boards require that you complete the continuing education credit within your certification or licensure period. This varies by credential; therefore, you are encouraged to check with your certification or licensing body.

Whom do I contact when I want to say how much I enjoyed a webinar?

An evaluation survey is required for all attendees of the live webinar event who wish to receive a CE certificate. A survey is also available for those who watched the recorded video. However, certificates are not awarded for only completing the survey; a quiz must be successfully completed to receive a CE certificate. If you wish to provide additional feedback to the CSI Webinar Coordinator, you can email admin@csi-net.org. All feedback is appreciated.

Chi Sigma Iota...
We are not just a line on your vita!

Certified member of the
Association of College Honor Societies

Contact CSI

Chi Sigma Iota Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society International

P.O. Box 1829
Thomasville, NC 27360

Phone: (336) 841-8180

Email: office@csi-net.org

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